Issue 138

Welcome to another issue of Haskell Weekly! Haskell is a safe, purely functional programming language with a fast, concurrent runtime. This is a weekly summary of what’s going on in its community.



  • Galois is Hiring! (ad)

    Galois is looking for Software Engineers/Researchers and Project Managers! We collaborate with organizations like NASA, DARPA, and Amazon Web Services to explore blue sky ideas and turn them into usable technology. Some of the things we’ve worked on in the past: Formal methods, static analysis, binary analysis, cryptographic algorithms, domain specific languages, programming languages theory, abstract interpretation, type theory, formal verification and software correctness, reinforcement learning, autonomous systems assurance, communication security, cyber-deception for network defense, DDoS defense, provable hardware security, statistical anomaly detection for detecting advanced persistent threats. We think working here is awesome (see

  • Backend Software Engineer at SimSpace in Boston

    SimSpace is looking for a backend software developer to help shape the future of realistic environments used for cyber security development, testing, and training.

  • Senior Haskell Engineer at in Bangalore is hiring senior Haskell developers. We build tools for developers to lessen the effort that goes into building backends for applications.

In brief

Package of the week

Instead of picking a package this week, we’re going to pick two interesting projects that were announced recently.

  • thinking-with-types

    This repository is all of the original source material for my book Thinking with Types: Type-Level Programming in Haskell.

  • jhc-components

    This is a fork of JHC Haskell Compiler 0.8.2. The source code is split into reusable components and builds with Haskell Stack.

Call for participation


North America

