Issue 137

Welcome to another issue of Haskell Weekly! Haskell is a safe, purely functional programming language with a fast, concurrent runtime. This is a weekly summary of what’s going on in its community.


  • GHC 8.6.3 released by Ben Gamari

    The GHC team is very happy to announce the availability of GHC 8.6.3, a bugfix release in the GHC 8.6 series. The 8.6 release fixes several regressions present in 8.6.2 including

  • A webcam server in 35 lines of Haskell

    This post shows how to implement a webcam server in Haskell. The implemented server is a classic web server that stores the current image in memory and sends it to any HTTP client that requests it.

  • Why Not Both? by Sam Halliday

    Build Haskell projects with either cabal or stack. Truly, both excellent tools can live together and we can get on with the business of writing beautiful Haskell together!

  • A Home for Orphan Instances by Evan Borden

    It’s the holiday season and as Haskellers we turn our attention to those in need, orphans. There are three things we need to do for orphans this holiday season: isolate them, prevent them from getting their dirty fingerprints everywhere, and hurry up and decrease the surplus compilation.

  • Clock and reference by Chris Martin

    The first lesson in our new series entitled Timepieces is out today. Julie builds us a GUI app with a clock using FLTK (and its Haskell wrapper, fltkhs).

  • DIY benchmark history with Criterion and Shiny by Théophane Hufschmitt

    If you’re a conscientious developer like I am, you probably have a benchmark suite for the programs and libraries you develop. However, the temporal aspect of these benchmark suites is not always easy to analyze.

  • Down with Show! Part 1: Rules of thumb for when to use a type class by Harry Garrood

    This is part one of three in a series of posts in which I will argue that it’s time to consign the Show type class to the dustbin of history.

  • Getting Started with the Haskell AWS Lambda Runtime by Nikita Tchayka

    Today we’re proudly announcing the release of a fully working Haskell Runtime for AWS Lambda and our commitment to maintain it.

  • Guidelines for respectful communication by Simon Peyton Jones

    As many of you will know, I have been concerned for several years about the standards of discourse in the Haskell community. We discussed this at a meeting of the GHC Steering Committee at ICFP in September, and many of us have had related discussions since.

  • Shifting the Stars: Advent of Code with Galilean Optimization

    Today, we’re going to be using linear algebra, calculus, and galilian transformations to solve the Day 10 challenge.


  • Galois is Hiring! (ad)

    Galois is looking for Software Engineers/Researchers and Project Managers! We collaborate with organizations like NASA, DARPA, and Amazon Web Services to explore blue sky ideas and turn them into usable technology. Some of the things we’ve worked on in the past: Formal methods, static analysis, binary analysis, cryptographic algorithms, domain specific languages, programming languages theory, abstract interpretation, type theory, formal verification and software correctness, reinforcement learning, autonomous systems assurance, communication security, cyber-deception for network defense, DDoS defense, provable hardware security, statistical anomaly detection for detecting advanced persistent threats. We think working here is awesome (see

In brief

Package of the week

This week’s package of the week is Clay, a CSS preprocessor like Sass implemented as an embedded domain specific language.

Call for participation


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