Issue 6
This is not only a bad representation, it’s quite possibly the least efficient (non-contrived) representation of text data possible and has horrible performance in both time and space.
Complete interactive development program for Haskell.
Hierarchy of documentation dysfunction
There isn’t a single body of knowledge, or even a consistent idiomatic style, that is common to most of the libraries on Hackage.
How Elm Slays a UI Antipattern
You can do this in JavaScript of course, but you won’t.
A superset of Prelude that allows for more intuitive notation in some cases.
What is the point of Typeable?
It creates a proliferation of Typeable constraints.
Isn’t it redundant for Control.Lens.Setter to wrap types in functors?
Since the same effect can be achieved in a simpler manner, why Control.Lens wraps things in functors?