Issue 51

Welcome to Haskell Weekly! Haskell is an advanced, purely functional programming language. This is a weekly summary of what’s going on in its community. You can subscribe to the email newsletter or the Atom feed.

Want to contribute to Haskell Weekly? Send us a message on Twitter or open an issue on GitHub.

News from the Haskell community

  • Glassery

    Gathering and classifying all possible optic types gives us a reference point to guide the implementation. In this post I systematically introduce various optic types, using programming language Haskell.

  • The Haskell Cast episode 12: Neil Mitchell on development tools

    Neil Mitchell shares with us his enthusiasm for building development tools. We hear the story of how he built Hoogle in order to learn Haskell, why he created the Shake build system and what he hopes to accomplish with it, and how he uses HLint in his own development work.

  • A cross compilation survey

    The current state of GHC for mobile development (Android and iOS) via cross compilation is not as smooth as we’d like. We intend to improve the status quo considerably! To kick this off, we have prepared a survey regarding cross compilation with GHC (not just for mobile development) and would like to invite you to help us understand the needs of the community better.

  • GHC as a cross-compiler update

    Gentoo’s dev-lang/ghc-8.2.1_rc1 supports both cross-building and cross-compiling modes! It’s useful for cross-compiling Haskell software and initial porting of GHC itself on a new Gentoo target.

  • Generalizing type signatures

    We can all acknowledge that with liberal application of void and similar functions, it’s always possible to rewrite code relying on the generalized version to use the specialized version. The question comes down to that annoying need for throwing in void.

  • Iterative package development

    You could take the view (and I suspect that you do) that regex- was a shoddy release and that I should have taken longer to get the API right, and avoid the confusion and loss of confidence by making all of those releases, and there is a part of me that agrees with you. But is this right?

  • What pure functional programming is all about

    This is a technical post series about pure functional programming. The intended audience is general programmers who are familiar with closures and some functional programming. We’re going to be seeing how pure functional programming differs from regular “functional programming”, in a significant way.

Package of the week

This week’s package of the week is websockets, a library that allows you to write WebSocket servers and clients.

Send us a message on Twitter to nominate next week’s package!