Issue 43

Welcome to Haskell Weekly! Haskell is an advanced, purely functional programming language. This is a weekly summary of what’s going on in its community. You can subscribe to the email newsletter or the Atom feed.

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News from the Haskell community

  • Ten example uses of Monads

    In this “monad tutorial” we are not going to learn what monads are, how they are implemented or how they work internally. Instead we are going to look at ten example use cases. We will look at monadic APIs for safe concurrency, build dependencies, stream processing, probabilistic programming, web server programming, mutable references, logic programming, test specification, parsing and HTML5 canvas manipulation.

  • Haskell Bits #4: Environment variables

    It’s likely that you’ll have to deal with environment variables at some point. What I’ll describe here is a kicking-off point for robust environment handling with little overhead. We’ll build a tiny library you can drop into any application that will make dealing with environment variables for configuration a lot easier.

  • Object oriented programming in Haskell: Data inheritance

    “Does Haskell have inheritance?” Well, no, it doesn’t, because Haskell does not have objects, and inheritance is a relationship between two objects. Objects are a combination of internal state (data) and methods (behavior). Since inheritance is a combination of both of these things, we’ll need to treat them separately.

  • Hask Anything: Now less alpha!

    Over the past year, I have continued to work on Hask Anything, a website aimed at collecting and organizing the collective knowledge of the Haskell community: papers, blog posts, code snippets, gists, StackOverflow answers, Reddit threads, presentations, videos, tutorials and so on.

  • QuickCheck is fun, deal with it

    It does not seem fair however to associate QuickCheck with serious testing business only. QuickCheck is really a fun library to use. This post is dedicated to do justice to QuickCheck by exploring some of those more exotic use cases of QuickCheck. Do not expect anything serious in this post: we will embrace the absurd world of generating random stuff.

  • Code Podcast episode 5: Type systems

    Code Podcast is about concepts behind programming languages, frameworks and libraries. Same beautiful patterns that are present in completely different environments. Occasionally we will invite clever programmers to talk about their favourite techniques.

Package of the week

This week’s package of the week is Marvin, a framework for writing portable chat bots.

Send us a message on Twitter to nominate next week’s package!