Issue 35

This is the last issue of 2016. Looking back on the year, these are the most-clicked links of 2016.

  1. Why Haskell sucks
  2. Haskell sucks!
  3. New
  4. Powerline-hs
  5. HyperHaskell: the strongly hyped Haskell interpreter
  6. Good way to convert between ad-hoc polymorphic functions and parametric polymorphic ones
  7. The unreasonable effectiveness of reasoning: eliminating bottom
  8. Modern function programming: part 2
  9. Thoughts on Haskell
  10. ML modules versus Haskell type classes

Many other people reflected on 2016 in Haskell this year. And the next version of GHC is closer to release!

  • GHC 8.0.2 release candidate 2

    The GHC team is happy to announce the second candiate of the 8.0.2 release of the Glasgow Haskell Compiler. This is the second and likely final release candidate leading up the 8.0.2 release. If all goes well we should have a final 8.0.2 release out shortly after the new year.

  • Reflecting on Haskell in 2016

    Well, 2016 … that just happened. About the only thing I can put in perspective at closing of this year is progress and innovation in Haskell ecosystem. There was a lot inspiring work and progress that pushed the state of the art forward.

  • Haskell communities and activities report

    This is the 31st edition of the Haskell Communities and Activities Report. There are several interesting entries in the report, including updated tutorials and books, new user groups, interesting tools and applications.

  • Haskus

    Haskus system is a framework written in Haskell that can be used for system programming. The long-term aim is to provide a full Haskell user-space environment on top of the Linux kernel.

  • How to write a small, useful command line application in Haskell

    We’re going to build a command line application called teleport, It allows people to add “warp points” to navigate the file system. The warp points support creating new warp points, deleting them, and listing them.

  • Pattern synonyms

    Pattern synonyms allow us give names to pattern matches. It is a relatively new GHC extension which was first introduced in GHC 7.8 and further enhanced in GHC 8.0. In this post, I will show you an usage of pattern synonyms with a practical example.

  • Problematic versioning policy

    I think the PVP is a bad policy and the Haskell community should abandon it in favor of SemVer.

Thanks for reading, and have a great new year! Let us know on Twitter if you liked this issue. Open an issue on GitHub if you think it could be better.