Issue 30

  • The Website Working Group (HWWG)

    The goal of the Haskell Website Working Group is to make sure the Haskell website caters to the needs of Haskell programmers, particularly beginners. In doing so we hope to either combine or differentiate and, and give people clear recommendations of what “downloading Haskell” means.

  • Haskell, can we REST?

    What if we have a service that needs to support people and computers? REST allows us to do this. Can Haskell’s Message Pack library actually perform as well or better than the venerable Aeson?

  • Comparative concurrency with Haskell

    We’ll start with approaches very similar to other languages like Go and Rust, and then dive into techniques like Software Transactional Memory which provide a much improved concurrency experience for more advanced workflows. Finally we’ll dive into the async library, which provides some very high-level functions for writing concurrent code in a robust manner.

  • Clean alternatives with MaybeT

    The Monad instance for Maybe covers a common case: given some sequence of functions which may fail, we want to try them all and if any of them fail then we’ll short circuit it all. However, that’s not the only case. Very often, you’ll want to take the first thing that succeeds, rather than failing unless everything works.

  • “Hello, World” with PureScript C++

    This is a short-as-possible demonstration of using PureScript’s C++11 backend (a.k.a. pure11) to build a native command-line application.