Issue 21

  • Stack 1.2

    This release adds the stack hoogle command along with dozens of other enhancements and bug fixes.

  • Writing games in Haskell with SpriteKit

    Now there is an alternative that is simultaneously more convenient and more powerful: Haskell SpriteKit provides a purely functional, easy-to-use binding to a modern industrial-strength gaming framework. The price? Your are limited to 2D games on Apple platforms.

  • Practical Haskell: Simple file mirror

    The program I put together is a simple client/server combo, where the client watches for local file changes and sends the updates to the server, which writes them to disk. This approach reduces latency significantly by keeping an open TCP connection, and can be tunneled over SSH for security. It’s simple, and the code is short and readable.

  • Servant authentication and sessions via cookies

    Authentication in Servant is perhaps not as easy and powerful as it should be. However, with Servant 0.5 and later it’s possible to use the feature called “generalized authentication” to add authentication that is closer to real-world expectations than anything before. In this tutorial we will go through building a small application that uses Servant for serving user-facing content, not an API.

  • FitSpec

    FitSpec provides automated assistance in the task of refining test properties for Haskell functions. FitSpec tests mutant variations of functions under test against a given property set, recording any surviving mutants that pass all tests. FitSpec then reports: surviving mutants, indicating incompleteness of properties; and conjectures, indicating redundancy in the property set.

  • The generic-random library: simple generic Arbitrary instances

    First, a quick recap of the problem we are trying to solve: the obvious, naive way of generating random instances of some recursive algebraic data type often produces really terrible distributions. For example, one might generate really tiny structures most of the time and then occasionally generate a humongous one.

  • Oczor

    A simple statically typed language that should be easily compiled to dynamically typed languages. Compiles to JavaScript, Lua, Ruby, and Emacs Lisp.

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