Issue 175
Welcome to another issue of Haskell Weekly! Haskell is a safe, purely functional programming language with a fast, concurrent runtime. This is a weekly summary of what’s going on in its community.
Announcing the optics library by Adam Gundry
We are delighted to announce the first Hackage release of optics, a Haskell library for defining and using lenses, traversals, prisms and other optic kinds.
GSoC: The Conclusion by Vijay Tadikamalla
Finally, it’s time to wrap up and finalize the project. Here is my GSoC project HsYAML. Undoubtedly, it was the best summer.
GSoC-2019 by Kostas Dermentzis
In my gsoc-2019 project, I used quickcheck-state-machine to write tests about different dbs, with the aim to test new functionality that I added to these dbs, provide good examples of how to write tests using q-s-m, and also improve q-s-m itself.
The ZuriHac registration system by Jasper Van der Jeugt
I am one of the organizers of ZuriHac, and last year, we hand-rolled our own registration system for the event in Haskell.
Dynamic typing by Type Classes
Haskell has a type called Dynamic which resembles a dynamically-typed variable in some other languages.
Haskell Disappointment by Nicolas Rinaudo
I was recently asked to explain why I felt disappointed by Haskell, as a language. And, well. Crucified for crucified, I might as well criticise Haskell publicly.
How GHC 8.8 nearly killed singletons by Ryan Scott
What the changelog doesn’t contain is a story about how the singletons library nearly perished due to changes introduced in GHC 8.8.
Bypassing MAX_PATH Limit with GHC on Windows by Tamar Christina
GHC 8.10+ Will ship with a custom GCC+Binutils bindist that will remove the MAX_PATH limitation to files.
Simulating network failures at syscall level by Tomasz Guz
The goal was to check high-level fault-tolerance property while sending messages to Kafka and I ended up changing the CPU register to get the exact failure I wanted and exactly when I wanted.
Relational Algebra with Fancy Types by Philip Zucker
Last time, I tried to give a primer of relations and relational algebra using the Haskell type
type Rel a b = [(a,b)]
. In this post we’re going to look at these ideas from a slightly different angle.
Full Stack Haskell Software Engineer
Trying to hire a Haskell developer? You should advertise with us!
In brief
Clash 1.0 released! by Christiaan Baaij
It’s here! Clash 1.0 is finally released! And it has a binary release for the very first time!
[ANNOUNCE] New release of SBV (v8.4) is out by Levent Erkok
This version brings first-class support for reasoning with arbitrary-size bit vectors, using the DataKinds extension.
Elm + Bekk by Evan Czaplicki
Did you know that Elm is big in Norway? So much so that a Norwegian tech firm (Bekk) is supporting a core team member (Robin) to spend one workday each week working on Elm!
Juvix: dependent-linearly-typed core language with optimal reduction and interaction nets by Cryptium Labs
Wanted to see if there are any redditors out there who are interested in dependent types, quantitative type theory, interaction nets and so on.
Why ‘Functor’ Doesn’t Matter by Matt Parsons
What’s the deal? Why can’t they just pick simple names that mean what they are? Why can’t they use practical and ordinary terms, the way that Object Oriented Programming does?
Monthly Hask Anything (September 2019)
This is your opportunity to ask any questions you feel don’t deserve their own threads, no matter how small or simple they might be!
Haskell Zines: functors, mapping vs folding, list comprehensions, and integer division by Alicja Raszkowska
Our progress so far implementing a precise heap debugger for Haskell by Matthew Pickering
Package of the week
This week’s package of the week is optics, a library that makes it possible to define and use Lenses, Traversals, Prisms and other optics, using an abstract interface.